- Ph.D. Drama at Queen's University Belfast.
- MA. Spanish Lit. at UAM, Madrid.
- BA. Degree Performance Studies at Universidad Mayor, Chile
Awards and Grants
Ethnic Minority Mentoring Grant, Arts Council of Northern Ireland. (2021)
2nd Intercultural Cohort, Terranova Productions. (2021)
Playwriting Grant by National Arts Council of Chile, play 'Por la noche el verde crece' (2020)
Ph.D. Scholarship ANID Chile. (2019-2022)
MA. Scholarship National Arts Council of Chile. (2013-2015)
Best Playwright ‘Siamese Twins’ XI Theatre Festival Universidad de Chile. (2009)
Spanish Tutor, Module SPA1121. January to April 2022
Spanish Grammar Level 2
Course average number of 17 students.
Teacher Assistant, Module MML7019. January to April 2022
Workshop of ‘Translating for Performance’
Course average number of 25 students.
Spanish Tutor, Module SPA2101. Sept. to Dec. 2021
Spanish Grammar Level 1.
Course average number of 25 students.
Teacher Assistant, Module MML7019. January to May 2021
Workshop of ‘Translating for Performance’
Course average number of 17 students.
CNCA CHILE, Chile April to May 2022
Playwriting Teacher, Online Workshop.
Playwriting workshop funded by the Arts Council of Chile.
Course average number 20 students, covering the following topics:
Dramatic structures, writing exercises, rehearsed readings.
CINECON Constitución, Chile. March to May 2019
Playwriting Teacher, Workshop.
Playwriting workshop funded by the Arts Council of Chile.
Course average number 20 students, covering the following topics:
Drama trends of the 20th and 21st centuries, Dramatic structures,
Writing exercises, Rehearsed readings.
ARCIS University, Chile. March to July 2013
Teaching Assistant, Film Department.
Acting workshop for Screen Direction students.
Acting training and theatre games for students.
Course average number of 25 students.
UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE University, Chile. March to July 2009
Teaching Assistant, Drama Department.
Taught course “Taller Integrado I” for Acting students.
Direction Assistant of the theatre play “Return to the Desert”
by Bernard-Marie Koltés. Directed by Cristian Keim.
Course average number of 30 students.
JUAN PABLO DUARTE, PRIMARY SCHOOL, Chile. March to December 2009
Drama Teacher, Primary School.
Drama workshop for primary students.
Teach theatre games and direct a theatre play with students.
Course average number 30 students.
2019 – TODAY
‘Clady Quarry’ / ‘She Waits at the Window’ at the No Touching Theatre Festival. (2020)
‘Nightfall in December’ Version of ‘Diciembre’ by Guillermo Calderon, at the Brian Friel Theatre. (2019)
‘Mindful Flamenco’ Video performance. Terranova Productions. (2021)
Mexican Ballet Belfast. (Today)
FAMME, INVESTRO, Scenic Research Company, Madrid Spain. (2013-2015)
Nusta Huillac, Solo Performance at Parque de la Cebada, Madrid. (2014)
Mother Tongues Theatre Festival Ireland (May 2021)
Playwrighting workshop CNCA, Chile (2019)
2009 – 2016
Playwrighting and direction ‘The Green Room’ at the Galway Theatre Festival (2015)
Playwrighting: ‘Ye-Katherina’, ‘Jonathan Gospels’, ‘Nusta Huillac’, ‘Walt Disney’s Fault’, ‘210’, ‘Andes Stalls’, ‘Subsidized Private’, ‘Siamese Twins’.
‘Readimaid’. Devising Theatre. Pisa, Italy. (2015)
‘7 Novanta, Land Consumed’. Devising Theatre. Nusco, Italy (2015)
Physical Theatre Workshop TINDERBOX Theatre Company, the MAC, Belfast June 2022.
Dramaturgy of Physical Action NIPAI, Lake Studio, Berlin Germany, August 2021.
Psychophysical training guided by Ostrenko Brothers.
Biomechanics in Physical Theatre NIPAI, Trebnitz, Germany, August 2020. Ostrenko Brothers.
Movement for Actors, Acting for Dancers NIPAI, Laubegg, Austria, December 2019. Ostrenko Brothers.
Writing Workshop, Montacerdos Editorial. Santiago de Chile, 2018. Luis Lopez- Aliaga.
Playwriting Workshop “Dos que hablan” Teatro Fronterizo, Madrid España, 2014. José Sanchis Sinisterra.
Playwriting Workshop “El Texto por Encargo” Teatro Fronterizo, Madrid España, 2014. José Sanchis Sinisterra.
Playwriting Workshop CELCIT, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010. Marita Foix.
Stage Direction Seminar, Teatro La Memoria Santiago de Chile, 2009. Alfredo Castro.
Movement and Eastern Practices, KIM Isla del Sol, Bolivia, 2008. Elías Cohen.
Contemporary Dance, ENA. National School of Arts, La Havana Cuba, 2000.